Here you'll find a selection of our most frequently asked questions. If you would like any further information about your chosen trip please call the phone number on the trip page.

If you would like to discuss changing your booking, tour date or flights or if you need to cancel or postpone your trip, please call the phone number on your booking confirmation and a travel consultant will be able to help. Additional charges may apply.

I am interested in booking a trip, who do I speak to?
To enquire about the cruise or tour you are interested in or to book your trip, please call the phone number on the page of your chosen escape and a travel consultant will be happy to answer your questions and secure your booking.

Am I able to change my booking once I have booked, can I cancel or postpone?
If you would like to discuss changing your booking, tour date or flights or if you need to cancel or postpone your trip, please call the phone number on your booking confirmation and a travel consultant will be able to help.

How can I make payments for my trip and can I secure my trip with a deposit?
We offer the chance to book with a low deposit on many of our trips, depending on when you book your cruise or tour and when your trip departs. Please call the phone number on your chosen trip page to discuss your options.

Will I know which hotels I will be staying in before departure?
You can find further information on your chosen trip page about the hotel(s) you will be staying at on your trip. Please note that hotel(s) might be subject to change. If the hotel(s) on your trip change, they will be of equal standard.

Who else will I be travelling with on my tour/cruise?
On most trips you find a mix of couples, friends travelling together and solo travellers.

How many people will be on a group tour?
The group size varies per tour. Please call the phone number on your chosen trip page.

How will I find out about the food and drink I will have on tour?
Most of our trips will offer a wide variety and choice of both 'international' food and local dishes. If you have any dietary requirements, please discuss these before booking your trip to ensure they can be accommodated for.

Are the trips suitable for people with a disability/mobility issue?
Please call the phone number on your chosen trip page to discuss any disability and/or mobility requirements with your travel consultant before securing your booking.

Will I need any vaccinations for my tour/cruise?
It is likely that you will need to be fully Covid vaccinated (including a booster) for your trip but this depends on both the requirements of the destination and the company/cruise line you are travelling with. Some destinations also require other vaccinations beyond those against COVID19. Please discuss any vaccination requirements before booking your trip.

How can I find out what is included on my tour/cruise?
To find out more about the inclusions for the specific trip you are interested in, please call the phone number on your trip page or visit our website.

Should I be worried about booking a holiday?
Any holidays booked through TS Tours are 100% financially protected by the Travel Trust Association (Q8549) and flight-inclusive trips are ATOL protected (11772).

What happens if my holiday is cancelled?
If your holiday has to be cancelled the operator will be in contact with you to discuss your options.